
Compatible with:

EF Core 5 introduced support for split queries which will perform separate queries rather than complex joins when returning data from multiple tables. A single query result with data from many tables may result in a “cartesian explosion” of duplicate data across many columns and rows.

EF allows you to specify that a given LINQ query should be split into multiple SQL queries. Instead of JOINs, split queries generate an additional SQL query for each included collection navigation.


Below is a specification that uses AsSplitQuery in order to generate several separate queries rather than a large join across the Company, Store, and Product tables:

public class CompanyByIdAsSplitQuery : Specification<Company>, ISingleResultSpecification
  public CompanyByIdAsSplitQuery(int id)
    Query.Where(company => company.Id == id)
      .Include(x => x.Stores)
      .ThenInclude(x => x.Products)